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Terms and Conditions


Terms Condition

This Terms of Service Agreement (the "Agreement") governs your use of this website, [] (the "Website"), [Mansycom Consultants Private Limited] offer of products/ services for purchase on this Website, or your purchase of products/ services available on this Website. This Agreement includes, and incorporates by this reference, the policies and guidelines referenced below. Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd reserves the right to change or revise the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time by posting any changes or a revised Agreement on this Website. Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd will alert you that changes or revisions have been made by indicating on the top of this Agreement the date it was last revised. The changed or revised Agreement will be effective immediately after it is posted on this Website. Your use of the Website following the posting any such changes or of a revised Agreement will constitute your acceptance of any such changes or revisions. Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd encourages you to review this Agreement whenever you visit the Website to make sure that you understand the terms and conditions governing use of the Website. This Agreement does not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other written agreement you may have with Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd for other products or services. If you do not agree to this Agreement (including any referenced policies or guidelines), please immediately terminate your use of the Website.
Proprietary Rights. Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd has proprietary rights and trade secrets in the Products. You may not copy, reproduce, resell or redistribute any Product manufactured and/or distributed by Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd also has rights to all trademarks and trade dress and specific layouts of this webpage, including calls to action, text placement, images and other information.


Intellectual Property; Third Party Links. In addition to making Products & Services available, this Website also offers information and marketing materials. This Website also offers information, both directly and through indirect links to third-party website. Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd does not always create the information offered on this Website; instead the information is often gathered from other sources. To the extent that Mansycom Consultants does create the content on this Website, such content is protected by intellectual property laws of the India, foreign nations, and international bodies. Unauthorized use of the material may violate copyright, trademark, and/or other laws. You acknowledge that your use of the content on this Website is for personal, noncommercial use. Any links to third-party websites are provided solely as a convenience to you. Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd does not endorse the contents on any such third-party websites. Mansycom Consultants Pvt Ltd is not responsible for the content of or any damage that may result from your access to or reliance on these third-party websites. If you link to third-party websites, you do so at your own risk.

Use of Website

Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd is not responsible for any damages resulting from use of this website by anyone. You will not use the Website for illegal purposes. You will (1) abide by all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations in your use of the Website (including laws regarding intellectual property), (2) not interfere with or disrupt the use and enjoyment of the Website by other users, (3) not resell material on the Website, (4) not engage, directly or indirectly, in transmission of "spam", chain letters, junk mail or any other type of unsolicited communication, and (5) not defame, harass, abuse, or disrupt other users of the Website License. By using this Website, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the content and materials on the Website in connection with your normal, noncommercial, use of the Website. You may not copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, or create derivative works of such content or information without express written authorization from Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd or the applicable third party (if third party content is at issue).

Legal Disclaimer

​The Web information and tools are not aimed at distribution or use by any person who is a citizen or resident or located in any jurisdiction where such distribution, ease of access or use would be contrary to law or which would subject Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd to any registration or licensing requisite within such jurisdiction. The information provided in the website does not constitute any offer to sell an offer. The website is subject to update and revision. Mansycom has the right to modify or delete website information without prior notice.
You hereby agree and confirm that:

  • Information access to site ( does not in any way constitute an offer to sell any offer to buy any security of Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

  • I shall not circulate the information in any way (including but not limited to photocopying & email) and data on this website. I agree not to copy, issue, broadcast, sell, or circulate contents to anyone.

You agree not to:

  • Interrupt website operation in any way

  • Intrude into the website in any way

  • Post defamatory materials on the site


All web materials of Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd are copyrighted and protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. You must agree to comply with all copyright laws worldwide in your website usage and prevent unauthorized copying of materials. You may download a copy of copyrighted materials on single computer and print a copy of copyrighted materials exclusively for your use in learning about, evaluating, or acquiring Mansycom’s services. No other permission is granted to print, copy, reproduce, distribute, broadcast, upload, download, store, alter, or amend copyrighted materials.Changes are periodically made to the website and to the information therein. Mansycom Consultants Pvt. Ltd can make improvements and/or changes in the website at any time. Advice received through this website should not be relied upon for individual, medical, legal or financial decisions and you must seek advice from an appropriate professional for detailed advice customized to your situation.

Appropriate Use

You agree to obey the laws of your jurisdiction & any jurisdiction with which you communicate. Users will not post content which is inappropriate or of non-business nature including, but not restricted to, disrespectful, obscene, threatening, offensive or demeaning statement. You are solely accountable for backing-up data that you input onto site.


By using Mansycom Consultant’s website, you agree that Mansycom Consultant Pvt. Ltd will have right to make use of and reveal information that you submit to us across Mansycom Consultant’s business entity, as appropriate, without compensation or acknowledgment of source. Mansycom Consultant shall be free to use ideas, concepts, techniques, directly or indirectly or otherwise based on info provided to Mansycom Consultant through our website, including, but not restricted to developing, manufacturing, and marketing services. Mansycom Consultant may obtain business or asset in the future to which client’s personal information may be transferred in course of such transactions. Mansycom Consultant may broadcast information to another country for purposes like storage, or due to where servers are located. Mansycom Consultant will release client’s Personal Info if required to do so by law or by search warrant or court order.

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